Prizes allocated by the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation Board for the 2014 Kick-a-thon campaign will expire 12/31/2014 if unclaimed. Current unclaimed prizes include a trip to the 2015 National Festival or the Moo Duk Kwan® 70th Anniversary in Korea. Other unclaimed prizes include: T-Shirts Text Books 1 Year Subscription Soo Bahk Do® Institute Lifetime Federation Memberships Organize your fundraiser today! Where … [Read more...]
Unclaimed Prizes Expire
2014/09/05 by Moo Duk Kwan® Kick-a-thons
Filed Under: Causes, Fundraisers, Kick-a-thons, Prizes Tagged With: 2014, Expire, Prizes
Kick-a-thon Prizes Reward Leadership Skills

Leadership is a skill that is easily recognized by others, but not so easily instilled. What can you do to develop better leadership skills? There is no paint by numbers for leaders to follow to success. Leaders gaze into the unknown and see not a chasm filled with fear and hesitation, lacking a bridge across with solid footing, rather leaders see a vivid image of their desired outcome across the way and they march bravely toward … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Causes, Featured, Fundraisers, Fundraising, Prizes, Slider Tagged With: Kick-a-thons, Prizes